Sunday, June 15, 2008

snack time

Here, Addy is enjoying one of her favorite snacks. Peanut butter on anything is guaranteed to be eaten. So what's new in Addy's world? She loves to make Will laugh but also loves to be bossy. She likes to tell him "Baby Will be quiet" or "Baby Will turn around and play" or "stop it, Baby Will." Will likes to scream in the car. This upsets Addy. She tries to scold him, but he just screams louder. It is quite funny...for me, anyway.

eating cereal

We started Will on solids at around 5 months. He gets excited when we put him in the highchair...and even more excited when he sees the food. He isn't a fan of anything other than rice right now, but we will keep trying. He just had his 6 month well baby check up. He is 16lbs 3oz and 28 1/2inches. This may not mean much to most of you, but he is in the 25th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height. His percentile keeps dropping for weight, but Dr. Wigert tells me this is normal for breastfed babies.